Mountain Hotel Obersteinberg (1800m)

Candle light and gas lamps, local specialities, a working dairy farm - this is the Mountain Hotel Obersteinberg.

Enjoy a holiday amidst nature, wildlife and the mountains. The hotel is only accessible by foot, approx 2 hours from Stechelberg or 4 hours from Mürren.

Cosy rooms or dormitory accommodation.

Tel. ++41 (0)33 855 20 33


Open from 30 May to 30 September.

Prices, overnight with half board per Person:

Adults CHF 75.00
Children 6-12 year old: CHF 52.00
Private rooms:   
Adults: CHF 105.00 including half board in a double room.
Children 6-12 years old: CHF 75 including half board in a double room.
Surcharge for single room: CHF 30.00

From beginning of May until end of September bookings are only possible by phone call. Please understand that we cannot accept any online bookings in this time!


Mountain Hotel Obersteinberg
Family von Allmen
CH - 3824 Stechelberg